Your guide to offshore wind education in Norway

Students at the Master Program at NTNU in Sustainable Energy. PHOTO: Geir Morgen/NTNU
by Arne Vatnøy
Communication manager

A report from 2023 has a clear conclusion: There will be an education gap in offshore wind in Norway. We have made an overview of some of the educational offers as of today.

Tekna and Norwegian Offshore Wind commissioned Menon Economics to map the need for higher education aimed at the offshore wind industry.

Innovation Manager in Norwegian Offshore Wind, Chris Harman.

This report found that the number of study placements available in higher education must be significantly increased by 2028. If not, the industry will lack the expertise needed to fulfill the government's offshore wind ambitions.

-We are welcoming all initiatives from our universities and schools that can contribute to closing this gap. Among members of Norwegian Offshore Wind from the education sector, we are thankfully now seeing an increased number of offerings, says Chris Harman, Innovation Manager at Norwegian Offshore Wind. 

Below is an overview of the education opportunities in Norway.

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology offers both an introductory course as well as several more in depth  courses aimed mainly at oil and gas industry employees. This is in addition to their many “standard” courses which have engineering focus relevant for our industry. 

CONTACT: Marion Alseth 


University of Stavanger (UiS)

They are developing a 1-year study program in offshore wind, aiming to start after summer in 2025 as well as a course in offshore wind law, starting in autumn this year. They are also part of the Impact Wind Summer School for offshore wind initiative mentioned below.

CONTACT Kristoffer Svendsen 


University of Bergen (UiB)

Offers e-learning course Introduction to Offshore Wind Energy (along with collaborators NORCE and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences) and several other initiatives through Bergen Offshore Wind Centre. They also offer an Energy Master where offshore wind is a topic of specialization. 

CONTACT: Gry Parker 


The Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)

They offer a new part time  introductory course in offshore wind. The course can be further developed into an elective or combined with other relevant existing subjects to create a comprehensive offshore wind course package.

CONTACT: Lene Jørgensen and Kristoffer Fagervoll Sortland


Molde University College 

Molde college is a Specialized University in Logistics with study programs in logistics on Bachelor, Master, and PhD levels, including Sustainable Energy Logistics master program. They are now offering a  course in offshore energy logistics planning.

CONTACT: Irina Gribkovskaia and Paolo Cesar Ribas


ImpactWind Summer School

In June UiB, UiS, UiA and NORCE will offer a 4-day introductory course in offshore wind development aimed at industry and public sector professionals with or without prior knowledge. The course is part of the impactwindproject. 

CONTACT: Atle Blomgren 



A half day introduction course about floating offshore wind covering the market, the technology and project phases from design to operation.

CONTACT: Kristin Nergaard Berg


Energy Innovation

Energy Innovation is the most comprehensive training and education centre for on- and offshore wind in Norway. They provide HSE and Technical GWO courses including blade repair, as well as a full Wind Tech education program for entry level service technicians.

CONTACT: Frank Emil Moen


AOF Vestlandet Agder (Vocational School of Western Norway and Agder)

Together with industry partners AOF Vestlandet-Agder are in the process of developing a specialised course with the goal of developing tailored courses and educational opportunities that enhance competency, expertise, and skills within offshore wind

CONTACT: Elin Østensen Brekke 


University of Agder

The university’s flexible learning program FLOW is designed and developed for professionals looking to transition into the offshore wind sector, as well as recent graduates aiming to build their careers within the offshore wind industry. 

CONTACT: Kari E. Bratteland and Geir Grasmo  


Rogaland Polytechnic College (Fagskolen Rogaland)

The wind power and energy storage course covers the installation and maintenance of offshore and onshore wind power structures, health, safety, and environmental aspects related to work in wind turbines and energy storage and energy systems. The course is aimed at those who wish to enhance their expertise in wind power or have a desire to transition into the renewable sector.

CONTACT: Rober Dronen 

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