

World leading test centre for floating offshore renewable energy production.

World leading test centre

The Marin Energy Test Centre - METCentre - provides the opportunity to test and validate floater technologies in full scale.

Founded in 2009, METCentre is recognised as a world-leading North Sea test center for floating offshore renewable energy​ and new technology. The test center offers infrastructure and services required for testing technologies both in shallow and deep waters (over 200 meters) with varying testing conditions. 



Hywind Demo/Zefyros2009

World's first floating offshore wind turbine is located at the METCentre test site, but is operates under its own concession. Originally installed as Hywind Demo by Equinor (previously Statoil), the 2.3 MW turbine has been in operation since 2009. This demonstration project paved the way for the world's first commercial floating wind farm, Hywind Scotland. In 2019, Unitech Offshore acquired the concession and the turbine, renaming it Unitech Zefyros. TetraSpar delivers its power to shore through Zefyros, which is connected directly to the local grid onshore.

Google Makani2019

Makani was a ground breaking kite-energy system and a leader in the development of airborne wind power extraction systems. Founded in 2006, Makani was acquired by Google in May 2013.


The TetstraSpar Demonstrator is a 3.6 MW floating wind turbine, operational since Q4 2021. It boasts a modular design offering competitive advantages by streamlining processes and reducing costs while contributing to the development of commercial floating offshore wind projects and exporting clean energy to the Norwegian grid.


SeaTwirl S2, a 1 MW full-scale demonstrator, is scheduled for testing at one of METCentre's test locations. It features a vertical-axis wind turbine design with a tower linked to a sub-sea structure comprising a floating element and keel. SeaTwirl is designed for easier construction, installation, and maintenance compared to traditional offshore wind turbines.


The Flex2power platform combines an 11.2 MW floating foundation featuring a 5 MW Vestas wind turbine, 0.2 MW of solar panels, and a 6 MW wave energy converter. This flexible design allows for cost-effective production of wind, wave, and solar energy in marine areas.

Our history

Although floating offshore wind is a relatively new field, METCentre already has a proud history.

Equinor installed the world's very first floating wind turbine, Hywind Demo, at METCentre main test area in 2009. Google Makani was tested at the center in 2019, and the TetraSpar Demonstrator was installed in the summer of 2021. Hywind Demo is now known as Unitech Zefyros, and together with TetraSpar Demonstrator both installations are still in operation. The METCentre's main test area for floating offshore wind is located 10 km offshore, near the recently released Utsira Nord field. An extended concession allows for the site to be expanded with four new test slots. In addition to METCentre's concession for testing a total of six floating units, Unitech Zefyros is located at METCentre under its own concession. The test area is conveniently located near shipyards, ports, and several deepwater quays and it has become an attractive choice for developers seeking to test their technology.

METCentre Team


Cecilia Girard-Vika

Director of METCentre
Phone number
+47 922 57 066
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Hanne Tvedt

Project Manager
Phone number
+47 452 734 76
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Monica Bårdsen

Project Manager
Phone number
+47 91 37 87 70
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Board of directors


Trygve Andre Meyer

Nordic Edge
Board Member

Hans Knut Skår

Solstad Offshore
Board Member

Ivar Slengesol

Board Member

Aina Margrethe Berg

Board Member

Lise Waage

Board Member

Ingunn Kalve

Board Member

Tommy Sandtorv

Board Member

John Stangeland