These are the most important markets for floating offshore wind

In the Mediterranean, several countries are ramping up the development of floating offshore wind. This photo is from a visit by Norwegian Offshore Wind to Taranto, where the first floating turbines in the area are installed. PHOTO: Arne Vatnøy/Norwegian Offshore Wind

An analysis from 4C Offshore released today shows that the UK is the most attractive market, closely followed by Norway, South-Korea and the US.

The ranking of markets in the analysis from 4C Offshore by TGS are: UK, Norway, South Korea, US, Japan, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

-We are ramping up our activities towards these markets, and we are happy to see that these countries stand out in several analyses. We have signed important MOUs and established collaboration with offshore wind representatives on behalf of our members, says Arvid Nesse, manager of the offshore wind organization in Norway, Norwegian Offshore Wind.

Last week, Norwegian Offshore Wind visited South-Korea, and this week they are attending a wind conference in Japan together with the Norwegian embassy. Nesse points out the importance of an early entry.

-Our experience from the bottom fixed sector is that those who are early entrants will be market leading. This year we are going visit these countries with supply chain companies and developers. In South-Korea, for example, we see that there is an industrial move towards developing floating projects, and that Norwegian companies have a very good chance of getting contracts in this early stage, says Nesse.

Norwegian Offshore Wind represents 370 companies and is constantly growing. The organization has industry working groups targeted specifically towards each of these markets.

-The initiatives in the Mediterranean areas are particularly interesting, and new markets such as Italy and Portugal are escalating this year. We are happy to see that authorities and developers look to Norway for know-how in this region, says Nesse.

The fact that Norway is ranked as number 2 on the list of attractive markets for floating wind is good news for the Norwegian industry.

-Of course, we would like to be number one. Our focus now is to speed up the process of assessing new areas for floating offshore wind, and make sure that the process to establish new floating wind farms will run much more swiftly than it has with Utsira North, says Nesse, and adds:

-The UK has demonstrated impressive ambitions at an early stage, and they are now paying off. The proximity and our ties to the Brits are definitely providing great opportunities for the Norwegian industry.


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