Offshore wind industries in Norway and Greece bolster collaboration

Offshore wind companies from Norway visited Greece in November.
by Arne Vatnøy
Communication manager

A delegation of offshore wind executives from Greece will visit Norway in February. The aim is to build on already strong connections between the two countries.

Among the delegates are Aris Stefanos, CEO of HEREMA, which is equivalent to the The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), and the president of Hellenic Wind Energy Association (ELETAEN). Norwegian Offshore Wind will host the delegation. 

-We had several successful visits to Greece last year, and we are happy to see strong industrial partnerships in the pipeline. The Greek authorities have high ambitions, and they aim to act fast with their offshore wind development, says Tor Arne Johnsen, who is responsible for the Greek market in Norwegian Offshore Wind. 

The delegation will meet with NVE, DNV and the Ministry of Energy to learn more about the processes in Norway. They will go to the West Coast to meet up with relevant supply chain companies and developers who are keen to explore the Greek market. 

The companies in the delegation are ETME S.A (Engineering / Offshore Wind Measurements), PPC Renewables (Development & operation of RES technologies),  HEREMA , FARIA (RES), iWind Renewables (Engineering / Consulting), Helleniq Energy (Development & operation of RES technologies), (Hyper-stable Floating Met Mast + LiDAR), MORE Energy (Development & operation of RES technologies, part of Motor Oil Group).

Tor Arne Johnsen and Gunnar Birkeland participated in an offshore wind seminar in Athens in November.

Allocation starts this year

The application for exploration licenses for offshore wind in Greece will open in May .

-It is important for Norwegian companies who are interested in this emerging market to position themselves at this early stage, says Gunnar Birkeland from Source Galilelo, who is heading up the working group for Greece in Norwegain Offshore Wind. 

A group of Norwegian companies participated in a Visit NOW to Greece in November last year. The working group have several activities planned for the Greek market in 2024. 

In an upcoming webinar interested companies can learn more about the opportunities from key stakeholders in the Greek market. 

This activity was supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021 and Innovation Norway, in the frame of the Programme "Business Innovation Greece", within the project GR-INNO-SGS2 Soft Measures - HWEA/ELETAEN.

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