Norwegian authorities present potential new areas for offshore wind


The Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Aasland, at the press conference this afternoon. 

The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) has concluded their work with mapping potential new areas for bottom fixed and floating offshore wind.

- It is very positive that NVE points to areas along the entire coast. We need that to reach the target of 30 GW before 2040. It will help supply chain companies see more opportunities in their region, says Arvid Nesse, head of Norwegian Offshore Wind.

Here you can read the full report from NVE.

Nesse is happy to see that the majority of the areas pointed out are suitable for floating offshore wind. 

-Norway has many advantages in floating offshore wind, and it is very positive that the analysis here shows several suitable areas for floating wind farms. Norway has been ranked number two among the world's most interesting markets for floating offshore wind, and we are right at the top when it comes to technology development, says Nesse.

NVE has put emphasis on coexistence when considering which areas are suited for development.

- We are pleased that consideration of fisheries is highly emphasized in this analysis. The key to our success with this development is that we find good solutions for everyone with different interests, says Nesse.

The Norwegian industry now hope to see a clear plan for the further process around new offshore wind parks. 

- Now it is important for the industry that we get a binding timeline of future tenders, which also contains capacity and volume for each round. The supplier industry must have predictability in an early phase, so that they can make the investments needed, says Nesse. 

- It is positive that they are also building on existing areas.

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