Four new locations for offshore wind in Ireland

Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan TD publishing the proposed locations for new offshore wind farms off the south coast of Ireland at Ireland’s Offshore Wind Conference. PHOTO: Conor McCabe
by Tor Arne Johnsen
EU Advisor

At Wind Energy Irelands Offshore Wind Conference last week, the Irish government published four new locations for offshore wind farms to be located off the country’s south coast.

The locations are part of the Government’s draft Designated Maritime Area Plan for offshore wind energy on the South Coast. One site off the coast of Waterford, named Tonn Nua, has been chosen for an auction (ORESS 2.1) to open before the end of the year. This is the start of Phase 2, setting the path Ireland will take to deliver 5 GW offshore wind by 2030, 20GW by 2040 and at least 37GW in total by 2050.

-After ORESS 1, where among others NISA and Codling projects with Norwegian developers were awarded, Ireland delivers once again with a leasing and second auction round starting this year. This builds a foundation for Ireland to be one of the main markets for Norwegian companies, says Alfred Risan, leader for the Working group for UK and Ireland, in Norwegian Offshore Wind (NOW). 

He points out that NOW has targeted Ireland for a long time and will follow up with activities the coming months. 

Norwegian companies in the supply chain have already seen opportunities in Ireland.

-Offshore wind plays a dominant role in Ireland’s transition to renewable energy and there is a growing pipeline of projects. The ORE roadmap promotes activity in Ireland by building confidence and PGS can facilitate the rapid development plans to deliver on their targets, says Christine Roche, Business development Manager in PGS.


Phase 1: ORESS 1 auction several projects were awarded:

  1. North Irish Sea Array (NISA): 500 MW
  2. Dublin Array: 824 MW
  3. Codling Wind Park: 1300 MW
  4. Sceirde Rocks Offshore Wind Farm: 450 MW

Phase 2: ORESS 2.1 

  • 4 locations will be developed, see map
  • Auction for Tonn Nua (end of 2024)  

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