20 million NOK to Norwegian companies for participating at international exhibitions and fairs

Small and medium companies with green solutions can get funding from Innovation Norway to showcase their business at international trade fairs.

Does your company have solutions to global challenges and missions? Then apply for funding to exhibit your solutions at international fairs. The funding scheme is part of the government’s export reform “Hele Norge eksporterer” and can cover up to 50% of the cost with a limit of 70.000 NOK per expo. Innovation Norway has a budget of 20 million NOK for this purpose in 2023.

Many companies often choose not to participate in trade fairs abroad because it is too costly. The new scheme is therefore good news for many of the companies in our network. Norwegian Offshore Wind has 375+ members, and most of these would be eligible for funding.

-Trade fairs are important arenas to showcase Norwegian innovation. However, for SMEs it can prove to be a significant expense item. We are therefore very happy to be able to provide this funding opportunity, says Jonathan Sørbye, Direcor for the export department in Innovation Norway.

Innovation Norway can cover part of the costs in connection with participation at international fairs, such as exhibitor costs invoiced by the organiser of the Norwegian pavilion at the fair. To receive support, the project costs must be at least NOK 40,000, and the company must cover at least half of it itself. Learn more about how to apply for a grant here.

Makes Norwegian companies competitive

- This has been requested by several people for a long time, especially since several EU countries have similar solutions. Having such an arrangement in Norway means that more Norwegian businesses can assert themselves on equal terms with their competitors in a tough international market, says Sørbye.

By participating in international fairs, Norwegian companies will be able to expand their customer network, increase their knowledge of market opportunities and strengthen their visibility at strategically important international meeting places.

- Norway has many exciting green and sustainable solutions, which are worth showing to an international audience. We look forward to being an important supporter for Norwegian business in this work. Together we think bigger, concludes Jonathan Sørbye.

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