Balance of Plant

Windport AS


Windport offers port infrastructure and services to the offshore wind, oil and gas and maritime industries. Windport ios the southernmost port in Norway and one of the closest ports to the first major offshore wind project in Norway, Sørlige Nordsjø II. We also have a good proximity to many of the other offshore wind projects in Skagerrak and the North Sea. Our port can offer good shelter from wind and waves, short sailing route to open sea, deep waters, no tidal variations etc. And with our long experience within maritime and oil and gas industries we have access to a very competent workforce and supply industry. Windport's ambition is to further develop our port according to the very competent workforce and supply industry. Windport's ambition is to further develop our port according to the highest standards for efficient and sustainable port logistics and infrastructure.

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Mandal, Norway
Supply Chain

Balance of Plant

Installation & Commissioning

Operation & Maintenance


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