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WEBINAR: The Greek Offshore Wind market

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Welcome to our offshore wind webinar on the Greek market. We will provide insights into the emerging Greek offshore wind market and discuss the exciting prospects of our upcoming Visit NOW to Greece.

Greece plans to develop Offshore Wind Farms at a scale of 1.9 GW by 2030 and 17.3 GW by 2050, aiming to boost its domestic GDP. Additionally, these developments are expected to attract substantial investments, reaching €6 billion by 2030 and an impressive €28 billion by 2050. 

Join us as we look into the opportunities, challenges, and key developments shaping the offshore wind industry - sign up for the market visit to Greece.


Tentative Programme

Introduction – Norwegian Offshore wind

Status Greek offshore wind market – ELETAEN

Planned activities  – Tor Arne Johnsen




This webinar is supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme "Business Innovation Greece", within the project GR-INNO-SGS2 Soft Measures - HWEA/ELETAEN.

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Programme responsible

Martine Elise Farstad

EU Adviser

Tor Arne Johnsen

EU Advisor


Norwegian Offshore Wind

ELETAEN - Hellenic Wind Association

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