If you are planning to join the first Visit NOW trip to Poland 9-12 October, or you are keen to learn more about the market opportunities in this emerging market – don’t miss registering your place at this kick-off webinar!
Poland has solid ambitions for the growing Offshore Wind industry in the Baltic Sea with targets of 6GW in 2030, 18GW in 2040, 12GW of which will be floating and 6GW bottom-fixed. Poland is ready to support this emerging market, with a solid steel fabrication industry, shipyards, ports and fabrication areas. Much is located in the TriCity area in the Pomerania region, namely the cities of Gdańsk, Gdynia, and Sopot. There are many synergies that can be realized between Norway and Poland which will not only strengthen the international supply chain but also enable Poland to achieve the goals they are striving for.
[button link="https://app.checkin.no/event/61343/webinar-offshore-wind-opportunities-in-poland" newwindow="yes"] Sign up here[/button]
At this webinar you will hear from both the Polish authorities and experienced representatives from the Polish offshore wind industry. There will also be information about the upcoming Visit NOW trip to Poland (9th-12thOctober) and details about how you and your company can apply for travel grants that will cover r travel and accommodation costs. You will find more details about this in our information about the Visit NOW Poland.
10:00 – 10:05 Opening remarks and welcome
Christian Vinstrup, Energy Consult Offshore Wind AS – Leader of NOW Working Group Poland
10.05-10.10 - Introduction round
10:10 – 10:25: Polish market overview and insight – Polish Investment and Trade Agency
10.25 – 10.50: Opportunities and synergies in the Polish market, Jakub Budzynski, Vice-President Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society
10.45 – 11:00 Presentation of the Visit NOW Program – Including details about applying for travel grants
Christian Vinstrup, Energy Consult Offshore Wind AS, Leader of NOW Working Group Poland
Caroline Whittle, Norwegian Offshore Wind