This match making concept was at great success at Global Offshore Wind in Manchester before the summer.
Norwegian Offshore Wind will organize matchmaking activities aimed at the main offshore wind regions in UK: Northern Ireland, North-East UK, East of England and Wales. Ireland will also take part. In this “Meet & Greet”, we will introduce you to the right type of companies from the participating regions through our regional collaborations.
North-East England:
A hotspot of UK projects, such as Dogger Bank Wind Farm (A, B, C and D) with a total capacity 5.6 GW, Dogger Bank South (3GW), Sofia Offshore Wind Farm (1.4GW) and Blyth Wind Farm.
East of England:
The region is home to the Norfolk projects portfolio with among others Vanguard West (1.4GW), Vanguard East (1.4GW) and Boreas (1.4GW). Moreover, East Anglia 2 (900MW) and East Anglia 3 (1400MW). FID is expected in 2025, with construction start in 2028. The region is also home to Port of Great Yarmount, where the installation and O&M of several of the wind farms in the region takes place.
Celtic Sea:
A hotspot for floating projects in UK – ongoing Celtic Sea leasing round with 4.5GW capacity. Moreover, two of the main free ports in UK, Port of Milford Haven and Port Talbot, focusing on floating wind fabrication and assembly.
In May, Ireland presented the draft Designated Maritime Area Plan for offshore wind energy on the South Coast. One site off the coast of Waterford, named Tonn Nua, has been chosen for an auction (ORESS 2.1) to open before the end of the year. This is the start of Phase 2, setting the path Ireland will take to deliver 5 GW offshore wind by 2030, 20 GW by 2040 and at least 37 GW in total by 2050.