Turbine Supply

Kristiansand Havn IKS (Port of Kristiansand)


The Port of Kristiansand is one of the premier Norwegian ports, strategically located at the southern tip of Norway, with an appealing proximity to major European ports – The Gateway to Europe.
The Port of Kristiansand comprises transport of passengers, freight and offshore activities. In close cooperation with goods owners and shipping and logistic companies, Kristiansand strives to offer the best and most efficient port services. Today and tomorrow.
Kristiansand is a leading port for digitization of services and environmental efforts. The Port of Kristiansand customers should expect excellence in 24/7 service and customer relations.
As a hub for a cluster of world-leading offshore suppliers Kristiansand and Lindesnes has immediate access to highly competent and skilled personnel for modification, maintenance and classification of offshore installations and vessels. The Port of Kristiansand is the region’s leading Offshore Supply Port.
Kristiansand offers one of Europe’s largest and most unique onshore power solutions for cruise ships, along with flexible onshore power facilities for ships and offshore rigs. The facilities can serve most ships, and are adaptable to customer needs.
All onshore power plants are built according to the international IEC standard. By offering both fixed and mobile facilities, onshore power is offered at most quayside facilities in the Port of Kristiansand.

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Kristiansand, Norway
Supply Chain

Turbine Supply

Installation & Commissioning

Operation & Maintenance


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