Hywind Demo - Zephyros

Floater Technology



Siemens 2,3 MW

Date of installation


Floating hub and test infrastructure


Unitech Zefyros was originally installed at METCentre as Hywind Demo by Equinor (then Statoil). The Hywind Demo project completed eight years of operation off the Karmøy test location and proved that the design concept performed satisfactorily in all wind and wave conditions. The successful demonstration project paved way for the world’s first commercial wind farm using floating wind turbines, Hywind Scotland.

Unitech Offshore took over the ownership of the turbine in 2019 and it was renamed Unitech Zefyros, making the turbine available for research and technology development as a part of the Sustainable Energy Katapult. The turbine is also used as a part of the infrastructure at the METCentre test site.